
Mr. Robin Redbreast doesn't like this cold weather!!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tallulah Gorge, Georgia

Tallulah Gorge,  located in North Georgia near Clayton,  is one of our favorite places to visit.  In fact, we were just there on May 4.  The picture above was taken on May 4, and was taken from the far side of the gorge looking down.  See that bridge?  We climbed down the SIX MILLION (well--a few less than that!!!) STEPS, crossed the bridge, headed on down more steps to view Hurricane Falls at the bottom of the gorge,  and then headed back up the six million steps to the other side...  Great EXERCISE --especially going back UP!!!!! ha  (George read that there were 1,089 total steps down and back up... Felt like SIX million!!!! ha ha)


eileeninmd said...

Betsy, what a beautiful place. The bridge is neat. Great shot, have a happy day!

Beth said...

That just had to take your breath away at the beauty of it. I always wonder how they construct those bridges.
Absolutely awesome! And I can imagine that it felt like 6 million steps! Ha! ♥b

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well good for you tackling all those steps. It sounds like a wonderful place!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all that gorgeous green on the trees is so beautiful and i can tell you were really way up high

Connie said...

Oh my goodness, Betsy! You must have more stamina than I have. I don't think I could make it on all those steps. Absolutely gorgeous view, though!

Jeevan said...

That sounds great adventure and exercise getting this shot! Awesome gorge

MTWaggin said...

What a fun place to hike! Lovely!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful! rough terrain! laughed at your 6 million. :) glad you survived!

Small City Scenes said...

I'll believe the 6 million. I am worn out now. MB

Fun60 said...

The view looks worth the climb. What magnificent scenery.

Carletta said...

Wow, what a lovely spot!
Don't think I could do that many steps and I'm younger than you! :)
Way to go Betsy!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing scenery.All those steps would make my knees scream in pain.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Absolutely spectacular shot Betsy!
You and George like steps though - right? :)

Lynda said...

That is an amazing photo because it gives a great perspective. I have a fear of heights and it almost made me pass out when I saw it! You and George are amazing, too. That made me tired thinking about all those steps! In my mind, I took aspirin for "my" knees even though you walked it all.

LV said...

Betsy, a great scene you shared today. But your header really caught my eye.

Ann said...

What a gorgeous place. I think I would have been exhausted after all those steps

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic shot Betsy, I'm impressed you hiked all that way. Worth the effort I'm sure.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

This is breathtaking! Thank you for this beautiful view for my evening unwind.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh my dear that sure is a long climb. The view is beautiful. Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

The falls are beautiful any time of year but the spring green in your photos is especially nice. I've never made it down those six million steps!!! I admire you and George!

Nordis said...

Beautiful picture of a wonderful place. It must have been exciting and walk across the bridge.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, this photograph and the scene it shares with us is majestic and awe-inspiring. Thank you--I'd so like to see this. Peace.

HappyK said...

Wow, that is some picture. What a walk that must be across the bridge.

Unknown said...

What a stunning place, beautiful!

Rose said...

I would love to see this in person!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Excellent and very interesting picture.
I am delighted with it.

A Colorful World said...

Wow! I'm impressed! :-)

Pat Tillett said...

The exercise is good for you! Besides, it looks like you were going to a beautiful place! That's a whole lot of steps though...